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Read online ebook Springer Texts in Business and Economics: International Trade and Global Macropolicy PDF, DJV, DOC


In the conventional MBA and Executive MBA curricula of highly-ranked programs, it is increasingly evident that two areas of discussion are conspicuously absent. One area pertains to international trade. In the wake of the Subprime crisis, most economies, certainly including the United States, have become increasingly protectionist. In addition, many governments, intent on ensuring ongoing indigenous innovation, are exploring several forms of strategic trade by subsidizing designated champion industries with giant doses of tax revenues. The other area conspicuously absent is global macroeconomic policy. In the current global economy, any strategic executive decisions made in the absence of exchange rate considerations or global capital flows would be seriously inadequate and downright simplistic.This book addresses both of these topics and is divided into two parts. The first half contains topics from international trade, including the Ricardian trade theorem, the effect of trade on wages and employment, intra-industry vs. inter-industry trade, trade barriers such as tariffs and quotas, strategic trade, intellectual property, outsourcing and off-shoring, and innovation and trade policies. The second half would address vital issues in global macropolicy such as budget deficits, capital inflows, exchange rates, speculative asset price bubbles, global contagion, global reserve currency, challenges in the Eurozone, and the gold standard. Both international trade and global macropolicy would be each a semester's worth of coverage in a PhD-level economics program. However, at the MBA level, the prime focus is on the applications and policy implications of these topics, making this book the perfect text for MBA and executive MBA students enrolled in courses such as International Trade and Global Macroeconomic Policy, as well as to practitioners who need a solid working knowledge of these topics., In the curricula of highly ranked MBA programs, two areas of discussion are conspicuously absent: International Trade, and Global Macroeconomic Policy.In this post-financial crisis environment, as the US and other advanced economies continue to experience sluggish growth, persistently high unemployment, and political agitation for increasingly protectionist policies, discussions pertaining to trade, currencies, and international capital flows are often fraught with emotion, tension, and hysteria.This book cuts through the emotions and superficial solutions and provides the reader with a thorough understanding of the hard-hitting theoretical models that drive the global flow of goods, services, and capital in the real world. A key feature of this volume is the presentation of the theoretical models, and the discussion of their implications in the context of real-world applications.This text is uniquely designed for current and future business leaders who are, or will be, engaged in the global economy.Armed with an understanding of the theoretical underpinnings driving goods, capital and ideas across national boundaries, readers will learn to anticipate the effects of trade and macroeconomic policy changes, and will have the tools to make sound, informed decisions for themselves and their global organizations.", This volume focuses on international trade and global macroeconomic policy - two topics often overlooked by conventional MBA and Executive MBA programs. Topics include the Ricardian trade theorem, the effect of trade on wages and employment, budget deficits, capital inflows, and more.

Peter T. Murphy - Springer Texts in Business and Economics: International Trade and Global Macropolicy ebook DJV, FB2, TXT

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