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Download book William A. Wallace - Operational Risk Management : The Integration of Decision, Communications, and Multimedia Technologies DOC, FB2, MOBI


Advanced communications and information technologies provide the basis for operational risk management. In order to support managers in real-time risk assessment and decision-making, the advanced technologies must be complemented by an appropriate reasoning logic. This book presents such a reasoning logic for operational risk management. Chapter 1 discusses the need for operational risk management and the feasibility of its use based upon advances in sensing, mobile communications, and satellite positioning technologies. Chapter II presents a reasoning logic for operational risk management that capitalizes upon these developments. Chapter III illustrates the integration of the reasoning logic in hypermedia, multimedia, and virtual reality systems, coupled with the capabilities provided by the Internet. Chapters IV-VI illustrate the realism of operational risk management for hazardous material transportation, emergency response, air raid command, and emergency response at a nuclear power generation facility. The book closes with an experimental assessment of the logic and associated decision aids in Chapter VII. Audience: Researchers, who will find the most recent advances in operational risk management with experimental assessments. Practitioners, who are provided with a detailed description of operational risk management and the latest advances in information and communications technologies to implement this new approach for managing risks in operational settings, such as transportation of hazardous materials and emergency response. Students, who will learn the basic concepts in theory and practice of building models for decision and risk analysis, and embedding them into commercial software as decision support systems.

Operational Risk Management : The Integration of Decision, Communications, and Multimedia Technologies by William A. Wallace read book MOBI, DJV

Breaking that barrier down means recognizing calculus for what it is-simply a tool for studying the ways in which variables interact.Although the methods and theory that his book develops are uncompromisingly rigorous and tightly formed, they are everywhere related to actual building, through specific examples and through the use of over 100 photographs.Evans, a recognized field authority, the book presents background information on the selection and application of biochemical tests in preclinical safety assessment studies.Some of the great features you'll find inside this workout book include: READING COMPREHENSION SUCCESS WHAT'S THE WORD?While maintaining its accessible and intuitive approach, this revised edition features a wealth of up-to-date information that facilitates a deeper understanding of problem solving across a wide array of subject areas, such as engineering, statistics, computer science, mathematics, and the physical and life sciences.The pollution chapter has grown to contain some 450 plus tables and figures.In the end, just like any other service members, they put their lives on the line willingly to defend our freedom and liberties, and our country.", Snipers takes you through the missions and personal lives of military service members who have been forward deployed in harm's way in hostile environments.But all this changed for Corliss in 1999, when, high in the mountains of northern Italy, he and other jumpers watched in wonder as a stranger--wearing a cunning new jumpsuit featuring "wings" between the arms and legs--leaped from a ledge and then actually flew from the vertiginous cliffs.