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Parenting Handbook : Teaching Your Child to Read Naturally ebook DJV, DOC, TXT


Ed the Cat recommends that parents interactively read with their child every day to make books come alive. Books can be a catalyst for building stronger relationships by talking, reading, and listening. This handbook shares initial strategies for parents who really want to make a difference in preparing their child for reading with understanding. Parent and child can begin reading together by cuddling up with a favorite children's book. Begin with the child sitting on your lap or close beside you so that you can encircle the child with your arms and hold the book in front of both of you. Parent and child must be able to view what is being read and discussed. This creates an atmosphere of a perfect mixture of love and reading. Creating a positive association toward books and reading begins at home during the magic of story time and the reading of bedtime stories. This book evolved from a nationally recognized Reading Discovery Tutor Training program developed and featured in the US Department of Education's document So That Every Child Can Read...America Reads Community and Tutoring Projects. Dr. Richardson is developing a early reading program for families. Her interest in literacy and children's literature lead to the writing and publishing of the Teeny Tiny Tadpole and Little Lilly Ladybug written with folk literature characteristics. These stories are unforgettable stories with the theme of change as the body matures and grows up. These books are classics to be savored and shared for generations. The interactive strategies in the handbook will make young children's stories come alive for the child and parent.

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